Thursday, December 4, 2008

Then I Flooded His Cell Phone With Text Messages

This is what I hate about Trump. He brings out the worst and me and makes me feel insanely insecure and makes me neurotically second-guess myself. Something as silly as a text message will make it so I can't sleep, going over and over in my head what I could've, would've, should've said. Yes! A TEXT MESSAGE!! Ugh I am annoyed beyond belief. So here's what happened:

Trump texts me yesterday (he hardly ever texts me during the day so this was a pleasant surprise) asking me if I deactivated my Facebook account. My absence from Facebook got his attention! Okay, I found lots of pleasure in that.

Anyway, I text him back saying Yes but only until I get home in two weeks. So far, so good. Then he texted me asking me what I do since I am not at work or school anymore. And then I flooded his cell phone with text messages (write that on this relationship potential's tombstone). I said, I still have my internship. Another intern quit so I work on M,W,F now. Then I went on saying but other than that I don't know. I'm trying not to spend money so I workout at home, read and write all the time. That seemed insanely boring to me so then I said: Plus I'm looking at where I can work when I graduate. I'm a little freaked out. But I'm about to have the craziest six months of my life so I'm chillin now. Yes. You read that right. I sent him three text messages! Lol. Rambling.

What I should have said was, "I'm still @ my internship. But anyway, how are you?" That's what I SHOULD have said. But, instead I flooded his inbox. So he said, "You'll be fine lol. I didn't know you were still at CNN." Then he said, "I have to hit you back later. ttys." I responded, "You make me laugh." then "Have a nice day." And then I begged God to rewind the time so I could go back and not make myself sound like an idiot.

Needless to say, Trump did not text/call me back last night.

This all happened yesterday and hear I am still obsessing about it. Why oh why do I do this? I get on these kicks where I determine that I won't contact him, but as soon as he contacts me, it's like a floodgate opens and I pour out everything that has been bottled up since I last talked to him! It's ridiculous.

On the flip side, Trump knows me. He knows how I am. This is not the first time I have rambled and he has rushed me off the phone or off text messaging. So, is he completely turned off from this one time? Maybe. Darn I have got to stop doing this.

Glamour magazine advises us chatty girls to not give men our life story but instead paraphrase. He doesn't want to hear the mundane details of our lives. Let's leave that to our friends. I know all of this already, yet I still did that today! Ugh I want to scream!!!! Then Trump doesn't call me back. I am not going to call/text him either. I want to though. I want to ask him if I was talking too much and if that is why he stopped texting me. How desperate does that sound? I'm not going to do it. I'm just going to forget it.

Trump makes me crazy. Clearly. I need to get it together. I just like him so much, I turn into a girl I don't even recognize. I'm done with this -- anyone who makes me feel this insecure from a simple text message just isn't worth it. Ugh.

Where is the rewind button in life?