Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Texted Him Last Night

I rationalized that it had been two weeks since I last contacted him and he had contacted me, I think, five times since then.

So I caved.

I texted him making a comment about the news, President Bush got a shoe thrown at him. We went back and forth for a few minutes. He was busy so I told him I would let him go. I always feel like I am gushing over him every time we talk. I don't know if I should compliment him or not compliment him. Of course I am sincere, but I don't want to sound like a freakin fan club either. I just truly think he's great. I need to stop doing that. I'm not his personal ego stroker.

Anyway, he mentioned that we should hang out if I want to. If I want to!!! I resisted the urge to say, "Heck yes I want to!" I was just like "yeah we should. I'll be home in a few days so hit me up whenever." Was that desperate? I don't think so, but I am a terrible judge.

Aaaaaargh. This is driving me nuts. Tonight is Tuesday. I go home on Friday. The Caribbean is riding with me so seeing Trump this weekend isn't an option. I don't really mind. I just want him to call me and want to hang out right away even though I have to say no. If he doesn't call me at all, I'll be extremely upset -- but not surprised.

I'm starting my two weeks over again today. There are roughly 16 days left in the year and I need to be over him or with him (or something very close to either) before 2009.

I can't believe I texted him. Do I feel better? Not really. But I don't feel worse either. I won't make a habit out of this, but I figure I can text him or call him every now and then right?

I want to see him sooooo bad. *Sigh* Trump is really inside my head.

This is ridiculous.