Thursday, December 11, 2008

An Investment I No Longer Want to Make

It's Thursday. Trump hasn't texted me since Monday and hasn't called me since last Thursday. *Sigh* Maybe he'll call me tonight. Unlikely. But, maybe. That's all I'll say about that.

Anyway, I have something else to talk about today.

I have a quote on my desktop from Donald Trump that I love.

"Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make."

I know he was talking about finances, but I need to write this out five-hundred times until I memorize it and can apply it to relationships. It sure would have helped me in my relationship with the Caribbean (and with Trump, but in different ways).

The Caribbean is a great guy, but he is not great for me. He and I, as I explained to him earlier, are trying to hold hands while walking on different sides of the street -- in opposite directions. And this is mostly my fault. I admit it. Why? Because I didn't follow the simple instructions in Donald Trump's quote.

I like him. I really do. But there are definite red flags that I have chosen to ignore until now. I have got to stop doing that, by the way. Okay here is what happened:

On Wednesday, he took me to work and I left my car at his house. At lunchtime, he told me that he had to work at the hockey game directly after work and couldn't take me back to get my car, but his older (yet irresponsible) friend was going to come get me. Ugh, I was annoyed, but was like okay whatever. Then my bosses at my internship told me they were going to dinner at 7. My battery died on my phone. I got off work at 530. I wait thirty min for the Caribbean to come meet me. Then he said his friend was on his way but he was lost (with a GPS by the way) so he would get there in thirty. There was no way that his friend was going to be able to pick me up and take me to his house to get my car and I would make it to the restaurant by seven. I didn't hide my supreme annoyance with this fact. So I had the Caribbean call me a cab. We argued back and forth about it then the taxi came. He didn't help me pay the forty dollar fare. Rude! So I go to the restaurant (thirty minutes late) and have a good time. Then I go back to the Caribbean's house because I had left some stuff in his apartment and it was locked when I went to get my car. Anyway, I sit over there and he doesn't speak to me. Not one word for an hour and a half!

Fast forward the next day and we get into a huge argument through text message. He said I was "acting crazy" and needed to "calm down" the day before. I said he left me hanging and he didn't care. This went on for an hour. Then, both still pissed, we ended the conversation.

I am of the opinion that he and I are too different.

I've known this for quite some time. It keeps coming out an inopportune moments. He disagrees that we're incompatible although I feel like last night made that pretty clear.

Maybe it's me. It probably is. I can be very disagreeable when things aren't going my way or if I feel like someone is trying to minimize my feelings about a situation that I think is very important. I know that about myself.

This is an investment that I no longer want to make...especially since it is not going anywhere. I am leaving next week, so what is the point anyway?

Tomorrow is his birthday. I bought him a microwave, although I am still pissed at him.

This is what relationships are for I guess. You learn more about the other person and you see if the relationship would work in the long run. If not, you move on. There is no sense fighting through something that probably isn't meant to be anyway. Why waste the money, time and emotional energy?

As Donald Trump says:
"Some of your best investments are the ones you don't make."