Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seven Whole Days

Exactly 169 hours have passed since I last contacted Trump. That's right! I am patting myself on the back because seven days have went by since I last called or texted him. Amazing, right?

He hasn't called me since Thursday night.

I'm kind of sad. I miss talking to him. I wish I could convince him to come visit me down here. But that would be counterproductive seeing as I am trying to get over him lol. I don't know what I want.

I keep thinking that he called me Thursday night and then met some fabulous girl at the bar and has now forgotten all about me. Of course I have no real reason to believe that other than the fact that he is one of the finest most intelligent man in all of Columbus and must meet girls when he is picking up the newspaper off his front porch. What are the chances of his meeting a girl that would make him not want to talk to me? Hmmm. Not sure. I hope they're unlikely. Besides, I know that too often my flights of fancy are solely my imagination and are not real events at all (see: "And then I flooded his cell phone with text messages").

However, I did imagine that Tai had kissed his ex when in reality they had sex twice. So sometimes my imagination is right on target or even less traumatizing than real events.

Either way, I have not contacted Trump for seven days and that has to count for something. I wonder if he has noticed. I wish he would call/text me. *Sigh*. This is the problem. I flood his phone with calls and texts but as soon as I stop, I get nothing from him.

Doesn't he miss me?

I miss him.