Monday, June 22, 2009

Simple Text Message

I mean, I don't think it has ever been so clear to me. We're talking about someone whom I can't even hope to send me a simple text message unsolicited (and waits seven entire hours before responding to my Happy Father's Day text!!!). I mean, OMG. I know I say it all the time, but I'm done. I'm D-O-N-E. Is he CRAZY?! I would never tolerate this behavior from ANYONE. Why do I continue to make an exception for him??? He obviously doesn't like me AT. ALL. I think he did at one point, but he's over me. Im salty about that, but it's whatever. I mean, when Epiphany can call/text/FB chat me several times a day and Trump can't find a moment in his schedule to text me once a week, what in the world have I been doing??? Even Executive tweets/calls/texts me. And I've given these men NOTHING.

I feel like I've written the book on How to Lose When You Give In. I know I can say never again. I guess that was the purpose of all of this. I have written so many eulogies on this situation, but now is the time to truly let it go. If I consider EVERYTHING I have been through, it is a WONDER I have stayed this long. Ive never truly lost before, but I did this time. He doesn't like me. He did. He's over it and he will continue to use me for as long as I allow him to. Shall I delete him one last time? Unceremoniously? Shall I truly let go of this ridiculous fantasy?? Shall I truly do for once what is ultimately best for me?? I deserve better and it shouldn't take the person who treated me worse than anyone to tell me that. That's ridiculous. I'll get over him. Just like I've gotten over everyone else. This charade has lasted too long. It's time to let him go. For real this time.

After all, he can't find time in his life to send me a simple unsolicited text message saying "hi". Why? Cause he doesn't care. So why should I?
