Friday, February 27, 2009

Seven Whole Days

Trump texted me tonight.

Shocked doesn't begin to describe. I texted him last Friday (while he was at the hospital) and we texted back and forth a little then and then I sent him a message Sunday he responded then he didn't respond to the super long one I sent later that night. Trump hasn't initiated contact with me since he told me that Rachel was pregnant. (WOW!!!! I just realized that!!!!). Anyway, tonight he just said that he saw some of my bruhs in Columbus and he thought of me.

We chatted through text back and forth for a little bit He was with the Alphas and this was their crossing weekend or whatever. He said he is coming down here in the Spring. (I am PRAYING that I am 100% over him by then). I asked him about his baby and he said that he loves being a dad. I said, "Awwwww! It's just one more thing for you to be good at". And he said "thank you." I can't help but to be sweet to him. I still have feelings for him, but I'm getting over them. The realistic part of me is saying to let it go. I'm not even replacing him with anyone else. I'm just letting go. I didn't flood him with text messages (yay for me!!!!) and he said "thank you" last. He did start dropping out of the conversation at the end, but maybe he got busy. I don't know. Whatever.

I was happy he texted me today though (happier than I should be). Does this mean he wants to be friends? We can be friends. I need to stop complimenting him so much. I can't help it. We are obviously not meant to be though. I'm happy he contacted me though. Although, he STILL hasn't responded to my FB message (apparently this is my response). I'm not going to call or text him still though and I am still trying my hardest to get over him. God is really helping me with that.

The saga is over. We've come to the end of the road. The end of the story. Maybe we'll be friends. Maybe we won't. I've gotta move on.

This has been the most dysfunctional relationship in my entire existence. So much energy expended on a guy who is just not that into me. Ugh. Never again.

*** I don't take him texting me as anymore than God's way of giving me a little bit of relief from feeling devastated. A text message is the simplest thing, but it's kinda nice and I've been doing good this week not contacting him (I did stalk his FB page using Shanice's account yesterday -- he hasn't updated his account in weeks though so that was a waste!!! LOL ***