Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Still Confused

Trump sent me a message on Facebook today.

Nothing big. Just, "I like your status".

Shanae says I should respond, but keep it short. Brittany says I should ignore it cause he is just trying to get my attention.

I say....I don't know.

Why is he doing this? Why is he showing me attention all of the sudden? Is this part of his sick, egotistical game? He can't stand for a girl not to like him...even when he doesn't like the girl? I just don't get him, but I guess he is not for me to "get" he is for me to "get over".

I really want to see him this weekend. Truth be told, he lights up my life. But honestly, why keep going down this road? I'll never move on this way. I just need to get on with my life. I hate this though because if something happened to him I'd be devastated. I like him so incredibly much it's sad. I need to get over him. He doesn't care about me. He has a girlfriend AND a son any day now (both of which he kept secret for months).

I need to have some self-respect. If I don't get over him then what is my other option? To be head-over-heels for someone who will never be with me? What's the point of that?

I think I should just keep ignoring him. Not out of spite, but for my own sanity. One of these days, I'll be over him completely and we can be friends. Like I said, I WANT him to come down but I SHOULDNT want him to come down this weekend. For what? There is no hope for us. Never has been. Never will be. Move on Alissa.


Posted 2/3/09 @ 12:07pm