Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hard To Let Go

Who knew it would be this hard to let go
Who knew that I would still care so
Who knew when we met that I would care so much
Who knew that I would long for your touch
For your presence near me, your voice in my ear
Your breath on my skin, my heart beats when you're near
Who knew that I would be hurt so bad
Who knew that you would make me so sad
Who knew that I would get this involved
Who knew that I wouldn't see it coming all along
I didn't want this
I didn't ask for this
I was fine before I met you
Now what do I do
We are not meant to be
But so badly I want you with me
Even though I know we would never work
In my dreams you still lurk
You remain in my thoughts
Remain in my dreams
Reminiscing on our time together
Everything reminds me of you it seems
I want to let go
Believe me I try
Just the thought of you
Makes me want to cry
I didn't think it would be this hard
This hard to walk away
Didn't think I would be so hurt
And left with so many words to say
I brought this on myself
Better than this I should know
But I didn't realize when I held on
How hard it would be to let go...